We have touched on this subject in our blog before, notably “The real cost of L&D admin” where we showed that the average time taken to source and book training per requirement was roughly four hours. Regardless of how valuable on-going development of your staff is, that’s an awful lot of man-hours that could be spent on other, more productive and profitable tasks.
This is one of the many reasons why you should consider outsourcing to a managed learning services (or MLS) provider, particularly if you are managing multiple training requirements every month.
There are three primary reasons why more and more companies are choosing to use an MLS and these can be categorised thus:
And it is that third reason we’d like to expound on.
L&D managers, by their nature, tend to be highly educated and trained individuals whose focus is regularly better spent on strategy than on the mundane. It can simply be a waste of talent to use the experienced staff on administrative chores when they are more valuable working on the design and implementation of training policies for the advancement of their company.
Learning and Development professionals are primarily responsible for creating and delivering a bespoke training strategy for a company’s employees. If one removes the ‘delivering’ part of their role, it naturally follows that the strategy will be better thought out and corporate training will be more in line with business objectives.
Businesses who have outsourced to managed learning services usually report a boost in morale amongst L&D teams for whom the loss of administrative burden is a huge relief. This garners loyalty and, by default, better productivity.
Hidden savings are also factor here, apart from ‘freeing-up’ hours, costs such as invoicing are cut too, for example – as most MLS will consolidate – meaning one invoice in total (as opposed to one per course).
According to Personeltoday.com “Virtually all elements of training and learning can be outsourced. From business alignment, curricula planning, content development and delivery, to learning administration and measurement of learning impact. Most providers offer tailored solutions to let you outsource as little or as much as you want. Outsourcing training and learning to an MLS specialist can reap rewards, and providers are keen to stress that all businesses, no matter how small, can see a good return on investment.”
Managed learning services such as Optimus Learning can save your company hours of work and money by taking the strain of managing the training of your staff and utilising the skills of you L&D team to their best effect.
To find out more about our services and how we can help YOU contact Blake via [email protected] or call 0845 519 7408