The Seven Secrets To Ignite Your Balance Sheet & Employee Peak Performance: Part 2


In this article I will share four more secrets to getting lucky so that you can enjoy the success that being lucky, and having lucky people work for you, can bring.  (You can read about the first three secrets here).

4.  Mindfulness

Our brains are very like computers. We can only handle so much information at any one time. When our brains are overloaded they slow down, or even freeze, just like the dreaded PC ‘blue screen of death.’

Computers work fastest when only one programme is running. Our brains too work best when only a few programmes are open.

So what does this have to do with getting lucky? A great deal. Spotting opportunities is a state of mind, and therefore dependent on how many things you are thinking about at any one time.

This is important because scientists have established that our brains can only handle seven packets of information at any one time. Once this limit is exceeded the pure information becomes corrupted. So we miss opportunities, and we make bad decisions.

This is why we are most happy when we are totally absorbed in just one task. Time flies, the ego is for once subservient, and we become almost totally unaware of our environment.

However, the challenge is that we have never been so surrounded by so much up-to-the-second information. This information bombards us from TV, radio, newspapers, social media, breaking news, text messages, telephones, diary reminders, and emails. So if you want to find the optimum state of mind to get lucky how can you limit the information you allow in?

Just switch these distractions off, at least while you are doing something else. There is nothing more certain to break a flowing presentation, the creation of a beautiful work of art, or the straight flight of an arrow than a single thought. Quite simply, multitasking does not work.

‘It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.’ K.T. Jong

5.  The Three Hs

The three Hs of Hypnosis, Heartmath and Havening are the most powerful weapons in my armoury. Used together they have helped to produce some incredible results in my clients. One of the most notable examples is a professional poker player who won over $1 million shortly after our sessions together. Another golf client scored three holes-in-one in just six months. The odds against this happening are astronomical.

All three of these techniques have their supporters and sceptics. The science to support each of them is incomplete, and sometimes controversial. All I know is that I practice these techniques daily, and they work well for me and my clients too. Here is a little more information about these techniques.

We are surrounded by examples of hypnosis. Everybody can be a hypnotist. One of the best examples is the natural way that mothers soothe their troubled child. Many advertisements that we see on TV are also hypnotic, whether their creators know this or not.

Havening is a newer technique which at its simplest level is described as a psycho sensory technique. Again a transfer of energy occurs in some subtle way. Possibly its origins also go much further back in time. This technique is particularly effective for treating post traumatic stress disorder, and works in the deep reptilian part of the brain known as the amygdala.

Again mothers are often perfect examples to observe when they unconsciously use the havening touch with their children. They did not need to read a book to learn this technique, or go on a course. It is a natural reflex to comfort another person.

Heartmath is also a relatively new technique, and is a form of meditation. The benefits of regular meditation are well established in science. They include reducing anxiety, high blood pressure, and even cancer.

Heartmath is being used increasingly in professional sports and in schools to enhance performance and create the ideal mental state. The heart contains large amounts of nerves. It was thought that these nerves responded to stimulation from the brain. Now it is known that the reverse is often true. The impulses from the heart control the brain. This might explain why people use the expression. ‘I knew in my head that this was the right decision, but in my heart I knew it was wrong.’

It is possible that all three different techniques are closely related. During our evolution the larynx and its related structures that enabled us to speak were one of our final developments. Clearly people were able to communicate with each other long before speech evolved. They did so by using a variety of sounds, postures, and different forms of touch. Just as animals have always done, which might explain why they have less communication problems than we do.

6. The Luck Magnet

Can we really be a magnet and attract luck into our lives?

The truth is that it is possible and there are some very logical reasons to explain why this is so. There are also some extremely illogical reasons,  and these are far more difficult to explain.

I spoke to many people about luck whilst researching my latest book, Get Lucky Now! An  expression that I heard many times was ‘the harder I work the luckier I get’.

This is true, because everything in life has to be worked at. Very few people achieve great success without a great deal of effort. However there are many people who spend their whole lives working very hard and have very little luck and success to show for it. Compared to some people who work a lot less and yet have a lot more luck.

Researchers have identified a consistent pattern amongst people who lead a lucky life. They are often extrovert and attract many friends. They have large social networks and so are often the first person to hear of new opportunities.

They also have a relaxed attitude to life and so are more likely to see all of the options available to them. An anxious person has their focus on internal rather than external issues, and so never recognises these opportunities.

However even lucky people face adversity at some point in their life and their attitude to it is very different from the unlucky population. They are convinced that however bad things look all will work out for the best. They will be stronger for it. They do not blame themselves or others for their misfortune and move on to the future far more rapidly than other people.

Whereas unlucky people give up in the face of adversity. Sometimes when they are a lot closer to their goal that they realise.

7.  Magic

These are just a few of the magical origins of luck. One definition of magic is the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Carl Jung viewed luck as synchronicity. He described luck as a meaningful coincidence. So he believed that luck is not random. This is very different to the Webster definition of luck which is a purposeless unpredictable and uncontrollable that shapes events favourably or unfavourably for an individual, group, or cause.

Jung was so fascinated by synchronicity that he wrote a paper about it, and even held long conversations with Einstein.

Another fascinating aspect of luck is its connection to intuition. There is much that we can do to improve our intuition. All of the secrets of success that I have described develop intuition skills.

Often people talk about having gut feelings and lucky people tend to follow them. Most people’s conscious mind is so busy that there is no way for the unconscious mind to speak and to be heard. So I spend a lot of time with my clients teaching them meditation skills and using techniques such as hypnosis, havening and heartmath, as mentioned in the previous section.

It is beyond the scope of this blog to discuss the magic associated with quantum, string, and relativity theory but one day some person will unify these conflicting theories.

Let us hope that it will be a magically lucky day for us all.

To read part one of this blog article containing the first three secrets to getting lucky, click here>>