“The greatest wealth is health” – Virgil

With so much pressure now on our health services it is becoming more and more important that we take more care and responsibility for our own personal wellbeing. Establishing a healthy life style will help you to be more energised and happy as well as maintaining healthy habits.

What are your energy levels like? Do you refuse the snooze button on your alarm clock and wake up full of beans with a “ready to get up and get going attitude ” in the morning? Are you able to maintain high levels of energy throughout the day? Or perhaps you rely on caffeine or sugar to keep you going.

The real skill in managing your health and daily energy is to work on the more difficult things when you are alert and focused and to work on the easier things when you are feeling lower in energy and less motivated.

Typically, everything we do either builds or takes away from our energy reserves. To maximise your energy, you need to take breaks throughout the day and create moments of sanctuary where you can replenish and revitalise.

There are many ways that you can establish a more healthy lifestyle and here are three useful tips:

  1. Eat mindfully. It is very easy to just eat anything when we are hungry and sometimes we end up eating food that is high in sugar content and packed with calories. By planning what we eat and being aware of the calorie content and nutritional value will help you to be more aware of what you eat. In many ways you are what you consume and it is so important to have a balanced diet that will boost your energy and nourish your body.
  2. Get moving. Walking is one of the best exercises that you can do and the general advice is that walking 10,000 steps a day is promotes a healthy heart and has the same effects on serotonin levels as a mild anti-depressant. Also, if you work from a desk it is really important to have regular breaks and get up and stretch and move around.
  3. Sleep. Never underestimate the very positive health benefits of getting a good night sleep. It is not necessarily the amount if sleep you get however, the quality. Establishing a regular sleeping time is helpful and balances our body clocks. Avoiding looking at technology before you sleep and ensuring you avoid agitation so that you feel comfortable. This will help you to feel more relaxed and get a better rest.

The key to sustaining a healthy life style is to focus on simple techniques that are embedded into your daily routine so that they become habitual and easy to maintain. 

“And what is a man without energy? Nothing – nothing at all.” – Mark Twain