Having worked with several automotive manufactures over the last 20 years (Kia, Renault, Aston Martin, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda, Hyundai) Digits has a wealth of experience in looking at the key indicators that drive learning in a franchise dealer network.
At Digits, we provide the learning platforms used to deliver training (both traditional classroom training and digital learning) and the digital learning content (such as eLearning, videos & learning diagnostics).
Digits learning platform glo™ has both the ability to work as a “traditional” LMS, providing all the functionality you would expect for standard compliance requirements, whilst also delivering a lot functionality usually associated with what tend to be referred to as “Next Generation” learning platforms (such as Gamification tools and Social Learning).
The benefits
Fundamentally, there are many reasons that training brings value, both for the franchisee and the manufactures:
Incentivisation – carrot & the stick
If all the benefits listed above are the carrot, what is the stick? Many manufactures have now combined training into their minimum dealership standards, meaning there is a real financial impact of non-completion, outside of the business benefits listed above.
To provide better clarity for everyone, visual dashboards are often used so that each member of the team can see what training the need to complete in order to gain the required standards for their role, department or dealership. These dashboards are also used by regional managers to give better visibility on which dealerships require extra help.
This idea of Personalised Dashboards is heavily utilised by our automotive clients, as they provide a clear signal to drive compliance, whether that be for a Service Technician, Department Manager, Dealer Principle or a Regional Manager.
Additionally, other sources of data (CSI, mystery shop etc) can be fed into the system to provide further information in the dashboard for how compliance / completion correlates with real business performance indicators – the proof of the learning effectiveness.
So, what are some of the best examples of great learning delivery?
This is obviously a bit of a subjective question. However, an independent dealer attitude survey by the National Franchised Dealers Association in the summer of 2016 asked the following questions:
How satisfied are you with the quality of your manufacturer’s training?
Kia gained the highest score of all manufactures with 9.2 out of 10 and additionally, when asked “How satisfied are you with the cost of manufacturer’s training?
Kia scored 8.7 out of 10, the No1 slot again the highest score of all manufactures!
And this wasn’t just a fluke result, as this was the second successive survey where Kia ranks #1 in both quality & value of Training by dealerships.
Want to know more?
If you are interested in how to support a franchised network with learning and want to speak to someone with experience, why not give us a call. What do you have to lose?
Take a look at our case studies for more detail of what we have done for Kia over the last 8 years and this interview with Ian Goswell, Kia Academy Manager will give you their story and insight.
Please contact us on the form below or email: [email protected] or call 01489 889900 if you would like to talk through how Digits can help your business.
For more on the system we built for Kia Motors UK, take a look at our Learning Technologies 2017 presentation “Using dashboards to drive KPIs with Kia“.
*UK No 1 – According to a Franchisee survey by the National Franchised Dealers Association in the summer of 2016, Kia came highest ranked in the cost and quality of their manufacturer training.
Check out www.digits.co.uk for more information or drop us a line on [email protected] or 01489 889900