
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivated, the teacher is the most important.

– Bill Gates

We often hear that digital technology is transforming the world. But, as Bill Gates’ words remind us, that is not strictly true. Technology is, after all, just a tool. What is changing the world is the way people use digital technology.

From a business perspective, global communication tools, mobile workstations and hyper-fast analytical processing will not in themselves improve efficiency, productivity, output and profit.

That requires people who are equipped with the right skills to use the right tools in the right way. It demands people who are motivated to work with those digital tools and collaborate in doing so.


Digital Skills, Digital Solutions

At Appdopt, our focus is on helping businesses get the most out of digital technology through skills development and learning.

We believe the best solution to improving and honing digital skills is technology itself, and focus what we do on flexible, responsive elearning strategies.

But we also recognise that new technology, new skills represent change in the workplace, and we believe that change needs to be managed carefully.

If people matter more than machines in achieving success in business, we need to look after all of their needs to make sure they work together and are motivated to succeed.

That is why, to the right technology and the right learning, we add a third ingredient to our recipe for digital success – the right communication


Communicating Change

The right communication has a very simple aim – to get employees to buy into a new technology roll out or a new training programme, and to feel motivated and empowered to make the most of it.

The following is a brief overview of how that can be achieved. Students of change management will recognise the influence of the Prosci system, which frames all effective change management in terms of communication.

It is worded to focus on our area of interest, elearning, but is relevant to all forms of learning, development and training.

Six Tips for Effective Communication

1. Explain why

Simply telling people that you are introducing a new elearning programme to improve their digital skills does not mean they will buy into it. It is natural for people to want to understand the reasons and have the big picture explained to them.

2. Explain the benefits

This follows from point one. As well as asking ‘Why?’, it is natural for people to ask ‘What’s in it for me?’ With digital skills and elearning, make the case clear that it will boost their transferrable skills and their ability to work flexibly in an increasingly digital labour market.

3. Choose the right communicators

Research has shown overwhelmingly that people prefer messages about change to come from authoritative figures in senior positions.

They also do not like too many people communicating the key messages, it dilutes the argument.

4. Create a dialogue

We said above that it is natural for people to ask questions about changes affecting them. Allowing them to do so in an open, honest dialogue increases sense of value and empowers people.

They may be unsure what elearning actually involves, or worried about the emphasis it places on them to lead their own learning. Create forums for people to air their thoughts and concerns, and answer honestly.

Variety in platforms will help point 6, but face-to-face meetings are by far the most effective.

5. Repeat

A new elearning development programme will be an ongoing process, so effective communication needs to be ongoing as well.

Having an initial meeting to explain the reasoning and take questions is no good – what if people run into difficulties part way through? What if they have good suggestions to make?

Creating buy-in may take time, especially if people are initially uncertain or lack confidence in their own digital skills.

6. Assess

Any good business project should be assessed against its initial goals, and change communication is no different.

Continuous assessment is even better – set up simple satisfaction surveys, asking employees to rate the confidence or trust in the programme at various steps.

If you have got everybody on board with your elearning, and motivated to use their new skills in their job, the results will be self evident


About Appdopt

Appdopt specialises in helping businesses adopt technology through skills development and learning.

Our elearning delivery platform gives businesses the power to offer exactly the skills their workers need, as and when they need them, through microlearning and just-in-time digital learning solutions.

Visit our website www.appdopt.com/about/ to learn more.