A prestigious line-up of L&D practitioners and thought-leaders will come together to share their expertise at the World of Learning Conference taking place on 17 & 18 October at Birmingham’s NEC.
A highlight in the L&D calendar every year, World of Learning combines the world-class conference with an exhibition showcasing 100 providers, The Technology Test Drive, Apprenticeship Zone, Learning Design Live, live workshops, one-to-one consultations and free seminars.
With keynote sessions from well-known names such as consultant, trainer and author Dr. Fons Trompenaars, and Chief Learning Office at PwC Louise Brownhill, this year’s exemplary programme of speakers continues the tradition of connecting those at the forefront of L&D innovation with an audience of senior-level L&D stakeholders.
The conference programme covers key areas impacting today’s L&D industry, from Building a successful apprenticeship programme, to be presented by Mike Thompson, Director Early Careers at Barclays Bank, to Campaign learning: your strategy to deliver performance support, to be presented by Ben Betts, CEO of HT2.
Amy Brann, Director at Synaptic Potential, will enlighten delegates on how to enhance employee performance in her session, Using neuroscience to aid the engagement and development of staff.
Amy comments: “Today we have bucket loads more research about how people work compared to five years ago. Major beliefs around how to engage and develop people have been challenged. Most companies are wildly out of date. At World of Learning we plan to give people some clear
take-aways they can put to work immediately to be more effective.”
As interest grows in the potential offered to L&D from increasingly sophisticated immersive learning experiences, Nitin Thakar, Managing Director of eLearning Studios, will discuss how Virtual Reality (VR) can support L&D outcomes.
Nitin comments: “Have you ever presented on a stage to thousands of people? Dealt quickly and correctly with a fire in your office? Want to experience these situations and learn how? VR training allows us to do this.
“We learn best from experience. The immersive nature of VR means you feel the intensity of the real-life situation, raising our emotions and creating an experience that learners remember for a long time.”
Presenting alongside Factual Director of the BBC Academy Charles Miller, Nitin will draw on his experience of using VR training across organisations like the BBC, British Gas and Deloitte to share areas in which most success has been seen.
Nigel Paine, Executive Director of nigelpaine.com and author, will present a straight-talking session: Why invest in leadership, when the experts tell you it is a waste of money?
He comments: “In a world of learning, leadership development is either the bloated, spoiled brat, or the one in the corner being ignored. We need some perspective here!
“Leadership is too important to ignore, and too central to the aspirations of your organisation to be put on a pedestal.”
Nigel invites delegates to attend his session to find out how to make leadership development their “…very best friend, regardless of budget or turnover.”
Liggy Webb, author and a popular name in the world of L&D, will host a lively session on Embedding behavioural change, as she talks delegates through the challenges of unlearning existing behaviour and embedding new behaviour through habit formation. Liggy promises to challenge her audience to experience something “a little bit different” in terms of real-time learning.
Welcomed back for his third year as Conference Chair will be author and L&D expert Robin Hoyle. Robin will also be presenting a closing keynote session on creating an effective learning environment.
He comments: “I’m really excited about the line-up for the 2017 World of Learning Conference. The speakers who will be sharing their stories represent a terrific brains trust – a great mix of futurologists and ‘doers’ who have gone beyond theory into using innovative approaches to deliver results for their organisations.”
Robin continues: “I’ve been involved in World of Learning for many years. My aim and the aim of the team who work tirelessly to bring this event to fruition, is to ensure pragmatic, evidence-based and practical lessons for the L&D professional. I’m sure that this year’s event will be one of the standout meeting points in the global L&D calendar.”
Andrew Gee, Senior Project Manager for the World of Learning, summarises: “More than ever, this year’s World of Learning Conference will deliver a valuable combination of inspiration, practical advice and proven strategies for the audience to harness immediately. The goldmine of expertise shared by the top-level presenters will enhance delegates’ ability to support organisational agility in an environment of change and to truly embed learning within the culture of their organisations.”
Running alongside the conference is the World of Learning Exhibition. Free to attend, the exhibition includes a range of interactive areas where visitors can receive hands-on, practical advice. These include the Technology Test Drive area, allowing visitors to sample the latest learning technologies. Those keen to understand and even experience how immersive learning experiences are already delivering compelling outcomes for L&D can visit the Virtual Reality Suite, brought to the event by eLearning Studios.
The various Inspiration Zones deliver insights into mindfulness, team-building and resilience, while the Experiential Learning Zone delivers a series of interactive bite-sized skill sessions on key areas including 70:20:10 learning.
Returning in 2017 is the Apprenticeship Zone where visitors will find all the necessary information about the Apprenticeship Levy implemented in April 2017 and how best to deliver apprenticeships within their business.
Three delegate packages are available for the conference, ensuring it is accessible to a wide range of budgets and schedules. Delegates are encouraged to book early to benefit from a discount of up to 30% off until 15 September *.
This year’s Platinum Delegates will benefit from five exclusive sessions, including pre- and post-conference video sessions. The conference round-up video will explore themes, insights and highlights from the event, further cementing learnings taken away during the conference itself.
For more details and to book the World of Learning Exhibition 2017 visit www.learnevents.com or call 020 8394 5171.
For the latest news and updates about the World of Learning 2017, read the World of Learning Blog at www.learnevents.com/blog, follow the exhibition on Twitter at #WOL17 and www.twitter.com/Learn_EventsUK, and join the World of Learning Conference & Exhibition group on LinkedIn.
The World of Learning 2017 is held in association with the British Institute for Learning & Development.
• To book your place on the conference and save up to 30%* by 15 September visit www.learnevents.com or call +44 (0)20 8394 5171
• For more information on all aspects of the event please visit www.learnevents.com
*Terms and conditions apply. Please visit www.learnevents.com for full details.