VR (Virtual Reality) Suite

Discover how VR can be incorporated into your training programmes at the World of Learning. We partnered with Make Real; an award-winning studio creating immersive virtual reality products and solutions for learning & development, training, change & serious fun, who showcased the very best examples of virtual reality for skills and performance development in the VR Suite.

The VR suite is equipped with the latest technologies that deliver unparalleled immersive learning experiences that give a powerful sense of presence, heighten emotions and create a lasting impression.

Imagine what VR could do for your training programmes by trying out a range of VR simulations.

What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that lets you experience a different reality. It provides a full 360-degree view of any environment you can imagine and enables you to interact with 3D objects.

What types of training work well in VR?